Common Video Production Mistakes That Beginners Should Avoid

8 February 2023 Aty

5 Video Production Mistakes you should Avoid

Video production is a complex art that requires a lot of skills and knowledge to master. For beginners, it can be overwhelming to navigate the technical aspects of filming, editing, lighting and sound. However, I must say, even the most experienced video producers make mistakes from time to time.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the top 5 mistakes beginner video producers make and provide tips on how to avoid them. Whether you’re just starting or looking to improve your video production skills, this post will help you create more polished and professional videos. Let’s dive in.

1. Poor Audio Quality

Nothing ruins a video faster than bad sound. Whether it’s background noise, low volume, distorted voices or mismatched levels, you don’t want to waste your time and money on a video that no one can hear or understand. Poor audio can ruin even the most visually stunning video and make it unwatchable and unprofessional.

To avoid such problems, invest in good sound equipment and learn how to record it properly. Record your audio in a quiet environment and use headphones to monitor the sound. You can also use editing software to enhance your
audio and remove unwanted noise.

2. Lack of Planning

Video production is not something you can do on the fly. It requires careful planning and preparation before you start shooting. Many beginner video producers make the mistake of not planning their shoots properly. Without a clear plan, you might waste time, money, and resources on a video that doesn’t meet your goals or expectations. You might end up with a video that is boring, confusing, or irrelevant to your audience.

Before you start shooting your video, ask yourself these questions:

What is the goal of your video?
Who is your target audience?
What do you want them to feel or do after watching your video?

These questions will help you define the purpose and message of your video and guide you throughout the production process. You also need to create a detailed shot list, storyboard, and script before shooting. This will help you communicate your ideas clearly to your team and stay organized and focused during the shoot. Always remember failing to plan is planning to fail. So, start doing the right thing and plan your shoots, you will see the quality of your videos improve.

3. Poor Lighting

Lighting is an essential element of video production that can greatly affect the overall quality of your video. It affects the mood, tone, and clarity of your video. So, avoid shooting in low light or high light conditions, as this can lead to grainy, blurry or overexposed footage unless, of course, it’s intentional.

Invest time, go out there and experiment, learn about different lighting styles and see the quality of your videos improve. Start creatively using natural light to light your scene. Manipulate natural light using reflectors etc or invest in some inexpensive lighting equipment to start with. Lighting is a very complex subject, I will have to do a separate blog about the different lighting techniques.

4. Shaky Footage

Shaky footage is another common problem that plagues many beginner videos. It can make your video look amateurish and dizzying. It can also distract your viewers from your message and content. To avoid shaky footage use a tripod or stabilizer to keep the camera steady, and if you need to move the camera, use smooth and controlled movements.

5. Over Editing

Video editing is manipulating and rearranging video footage to create a finished product. While editing is where the video is brought to life, over-editing can make it feel choppy, disjointed and confusing. Don’t try to cram too much into your video and avoid using too many effects and transitions. Allow the footage to speak for itself. Your main objective here is to tell a clear, cohesive, compelling story. So, just keep things simple, short and fun, and remember the best cuts are invisible.
